"Zouk Lambada is a Brazilian couple dance style originating in Porto Seguro. Lush Tropical music inspire high energy wave like movements that has the spectator mesmerized whilst the dancer experiences trance like states."
Also known as Brazilian Zouk or Lambazouk this method of learning is designed by Adriano De Sousa using his 24 years of experience teaching dancers, training teachers to teach and overall experience in the latin and brazilian dance industry.
Fastracking combines Fitness principles with learning strategies that are simple and effective.
"Not all the strategies i use are exclusively mine although some are strategies i've developed myself from watching how students develop and lots of trial and error over the years, they are a culmination of techniques i realised would benefit students development and information that i knew would be crucial to developing not only the dance itself but also the students and lovers of this beautiful dance style. I'm responsible for implimenting an 8 count structure to this dance, when i first learned this dance in brazil there was no proper timing structure and people seemed to dance through the music, later friends had told me that they were using a 1,2,3 count system... Having some background in music as a subject and doing grade 5 exams in music along with noticing how much Salsa had developed and the counting system they used as being a very efficient teaching mechanism i began to implement an 8 count system due to seeing the benefits of learning for students and also to enable our industry to reach professional dancers in other dance disciplines. My teaching method is recognised by the United Kingdom Dance Alliance as implimenting this counting structure and for the benefit of developing the dance worldwide. I hold a UKA qualification to train teachers to teach.
Another life changing experience was watching Aochan Nagamoto (Japan from tropicalny dance) teach a class of people (in Cairns, Queensland which i helped organise) some which had never done zouk lambada before. What struck me was his very simple easy and very accessible method of teaching. I set about to find ways that i could use the concept of one of the methods he used and implement in our foundation classes, this really changed the rate at which people were able to absorb the information and i developed this concept further adding to it. The above are only some of the teaching techniqes used in our fastrack system. It really is all about knowing your body better and expressing the mind through the body.
I used to run the website http://www.zouklambada.com which is still viewable on archive.orgs waybackmachine which will be redeveloped & excited about relaunching later this year with a new look whilst adding to it's purpose. The old zouklambada.com is viewable by clicking here:
or do a search on archive.org via the waybackmachine for zouklambada.com
This is a 24 year retrospective album on facebook which i update with projects i've worked on in the past in my spare time.
Fastracking is a culmination of bringing all my knowledge to you in a simple easy to learn formula where you develop at your pace and let go of old learning and goal patterns to achieve more out of your dancing which will have an impact on changing your life. Mind body connections are the key to improving clarity of mind to finding the best solution for every situation in your life. Dance is a great way to improve your overall wellbeing and can have a profound effect on your life, that is if we can let go and allow it to happen.
"Adriano is a passionate teacher who joyfully shares his passion for zouk! I learnt so much from him and after the first lesson, I was captivated by this beautiful dance style. A wonderful teacher who gets you dancing beautifully and quickly! Thank you Adriano!"
Adriano de Sousa
Zouk Lambada Personal Trainer
I created the fastrack personal training concept because i saw how frustrated students would come to me in the hope of improving their dancing, often missing key foundation information and with little understanding of how to transfer weight from one part of the body to another, to me this was very important information and i could see where i could help them. At various stages i had my own personal workout regime and i noticed that i was able to do more in my dancing the fitter i was, i also saw how exponentially i could develop students that were involved with some form of fitness whether it was weightlifting or going to the gym regularly. By the time i arrived back in Perth from teaching in London for 8 and a half years, i had put on alot of weight, mostly due to having issues with my old website and not being able to reach clients. Somehow within the first 3months i lost more than 28Kgs (infact if you saw me today you would never say i was so overweight) and began improving my fitness. I felt like a new man and it took a further 3 and a half years to get where i am physically and mentally,i also had the luck of some students from when i used to teach in Perth years ago enquire about doing private lessons, their development inspired me again to get even fitter, dance more and to get back into what i love doing so much which is to help people improve and watch their dancing develop.)
Eagerly i was keen to teach gym goers after an experience in London where i had the opportunity to fill in for a zumba dance teacher at a gym teaching zouk lambada offcourse, That was one of the best classes i've taught it was an experience that a dance partner in London also felt the same way about and it was great to get confirmation. With this life changing experience I knew i had to find a way to get into the gyms to teach, strangely enough my father died the same day in Australia, that day is embedded in my mind forever.
Not understanding fully how the fitness industry really worked at that time and even in Australia I felt very frustrated with all the loopholes to get into the gyms, with this in mind I set out to develop a strategy so i could teach the people most suited to this dance style i.e. people with fitness goals in mind, gym goers and people interested in developing their bodies, and also embrace the people that want to develop their social dancing and help them set and develop concrete goals.
They are infact 2 very different breeds of people, the first is the kind that has very specific goals in mind, and the second wants to get out and have fun social dancing, perhaps they would like to be asked to dance more often socially, they understand that if their dancing improves more people will want to dance with them.
I embrace the goal orientated fitness people as they are in my opinion people that will excel in becoming professionals in this industry in one way or another in the future, they are mostly physically suitable and are able to achieve results quickly, this is mostly due to their mindset.
I get alot of pleasure out of teaching the student that wants to develop themselves as a social dancer, they are an inspiration for those that have never danced before seeing what others similar to them have achieved and whilst i like to help them achieve fastrack goals, it is something that requires their commitment and why i realised that these people need to set themselves very definate goals..
Training Location: Perth Metropolitan Area
Training is held in the privacy of your own home or at the studio of your choice
Fastracking what is it? more info
Booking your session: more info
********************************** ZOUK LAMBADA BOOTCAMP Sundays @ Contacio Studios Scarborough!!!!!
You can also shop here for other zouk related products.